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Why Judaism?

In one of 18Forty's Must Reads, Antonio García Martínez writes about the question of optionality and the answer of religion

“Stuck in a secular modernity that’s lost the plot, and that no longer knows what it is or where it’s going, I choose to hold fast to that tree of life,” Antonio García Martínez writes in The Pull Request. He compares life’s travails to the dense woods, in which we all would want direction. That is the crux of his case for Judaism, the case for planting roots in the timeless tradition of religion. This strong case—made with the beauty of pen and sprinkled with some political takes—is a must read when thinking about teshuva.

Read More at The Pull Request.



Talmud Teaching

Apologies should be easy—but they seem to be anything but. The Talmud shares timeless wisdom to help us say a better sorry.


I spent so much of my life building up these anxiety-inducing transitions, these Death of Superman narratives, when the real moments of personal growth and identity formation often happened in the moments in between.


We read the book of Jonah on Yom Kippur before the afternoon prayer. How does this curious text bring us to stand in the presence of God?