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Jewish Peoplehood

In a world where globalization is the new norm, the notion of peoplehood has lost its former clarity. While on the one hand, the lines demarcating the identities of large groups of people have blurred, Jewish people still face anti-Semitism, the ultimate unifying force. The Jewish nation, numbering in the millions, is sizable when conceiving of as an extended family. Reflecting on what our peoplehood is, and can be, may inform our appreciation for this complex entity that is the Jewish people.

Jewish Peoplehood: Our Central Questions

1. Identifying Jewish Peoplehood: Are the Jewish people a tribe, nationality, ethnicity, identity, or community?

2. Jewish Peoplehood in a Global World: How can we think about our particular identity in an interconnected world?

3. The Peoplehood of Tomorrow: Where are the Jewish people heading?


In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we sit down with Rav Aaron Lopiansky, Rosh HaYeshiva of the Yeshiva of Greater Washington, to talk about the challenges facing American Orthodoxy, life-long education, and value education.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we sit down with Laura E. Adkins, the JTA’s opinion editor and an adjunct professor of journalism at Stern College for Women, to talk about how she stays grounded while engaging with so many disparate viewpoints.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we sit down with conservative journalist and cultural commentator, Bethany S. Mandel, to talk about the entrances and exits of her life, reconstructing Jewish identity, and creating a Jewish home outside of the Jewish community.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we sit down with Professor of Journalism at Columbia and author, Samuel G. Freedman, to talk about dissent not as a cause of ugliness and divide, but of beauty and unity.