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Reflections Four Months After Launch



18Forty was designed as a forum where significant issues and struggles are engaged directly with depth in order to share a meaningful and relevant vision of Jewish belief and practice. This site was always meant to be constructive towards Jewish faith and commitment and never, God forbid, detrimental. And in that sense, we recently missed the mark.

In one of our interviews regarding Biblical Criticism, one of the interviewees expressed thoughts that veer beyond the pale of traditional Jewish thought. This is not what I was looking to promote and it is certainly not what any of the institutions I am affiliated with promote. These conversations are meant to be nuanced, but they also need to provide a constructive approach to the issue at hand. We didn’t reach that mark. Many of our conversations are with people outside of the bounds of our community, but on a theological issue so sensitive I realized it was not constructive to share without further context. I am sorry and we are taking important steps to ensure that all future conversations, ideas, essays, and approaches provide the constructive ideas this site was designed to address.

I appreciate everyone’s continued feedback, thoughts, and support.

Warmest wishes,
David Bashevkin

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Why 1840?

Was the year 1840 the end of religion or the beginning? Learn more about 18Forty and listen to this special episode where David discusses the significance of the year and how it remains relevant today. Follow along with the source sheet and listen below:

Listen to “Why 1840?” on Spreaker.
Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google.

Our Story: Journey to 18Forty

Learn more about Mitchell D. Eichen and what inspired him to start this website in our special podcast interview

Listen to “Journey to 18Forty: A Conversation with Mitchell D. Eichen” on Spreaker.
Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google.