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Writing for 18Forty

Thank you for your interest in writing for 18Forty. We are now welcoming submissions to further our exploration of Jewish thought and ideas in a modern age. Here you can find more information about our publication goals, standards, and process. 

What We Look For


The ideal 18Forty article touches upon theological, sociological, or emotional topics relevant to Judaism in the modern world, echoing 18Forty’s mission. We accept articles from writers with diverse backgrounds—the primary consideration is your relationship to the article’s main argument:

There is no one “right” way to write your article. We look for originality, authenticity, and stellar writing. If you’re familiar with 18Forty, you’ll know what we mean.


We prefer and will generally prioritize articles whose subjects are timely and relevant. 18Forty explores a different topic each month, with some recurring each year while most are completely new. Articles related to the month’s topic, upcoming holidays, or wider Jewish conversations are preferred. 

Book-related articles—in the broadest sense of that adjective—are also welcome to potentially be featured on


Articles generally range from 800-1,500 words depending on the topic, with exceptions granted in relevant cases. 

We are not currently accepting submissions for poetry, fiction, or letters to the editor.

Please Note: 18Forty does not republish previously published articles.

How to Submit

All submissions should be sent to with the subject line “ARTICLE SUBMISSION.” The email should include a short paragraph introducing yourself and describing your article, as well as an attached document of your article.

We aim to acknowledge your submission within 72 hours of receiving it. Due to the volume of submissions, we may be delayed in following up as to the status each submission.

If we are interested in publishing your article, we will reach out to you with the next steps of the editing process.

We look forward to reviewing your article and deeply appreciate your interest in writing for 18Forty.


The 18Forty Team