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Do our differences matter? Many of us return to this question throughout our lives, as we make decisions that bring us closer and further, and closer again once more, from friends, parents, and children. Individuals and communities ask: Are our differences too large a gulf for us to bridge? Can we love each other from a distance? Must we be at a distance at all? To love one another, should we ignore or honor what separates us? This is the question of Jewish denominationalism. 

Central Questions 

  • Continuity & Change: How have denominations changed, and how have they stayed the same? 
  • Intersections & Divergences: What happens when denominations interact and diverge? 
  • Similarities & Significance: In what ways are denominations similar or different, and what meaning do we make of denominations?


In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we begin our Denominations series by talking to Zev Eleff—historian, author, and the president of Gratz College—about the development of the denominations of Judaism we have in America today. 
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we talk to Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch, senior rabbi of Stephen Wise Free Synagogue and a leader of the Reform Movement, about the understanding of Jewish Peoplehood among the heterodox majority of American Jews.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we talk to author and historian Dr. Marc B. Shapiro about the blurry borders that distinguish Reform, Conservative, yeshivish, Modern Orthodox, and the many other Jewish sects from one another.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we talk to Rabbi Adam J. Raskin—a  Conservative rabbi in Maryland—and Mia Raskin, his Orthodox daughter. 
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we follow up with Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch to break down the anti-Zionist crisis facing the Reform Movement.