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Bethany S. Mandel: Jews without Community

In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we sit down with conservative journalist and cultural commentator, Bethany S. Mandel, to talk about the entrances and exits of her life, reconstructing Jewish identity, and creating a Jewish home outside of the Jewish community.

Laura E. Adkins: Is There Room for All Opinions?

In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we sit down with Laura E. Adkins, the JTA’s opinion editor and an adjunct professor of journalism at Stern College for Women, to talk about how she stays grounded while engaging with so many disparate viewpoints.

Rav Aaron Lopiansky: What Tribes do you Contain Inside?

In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we sit down with Rav Aaron Lopiansky, Rosh HaYeshiva of the Yeshiva of Greater Washington, to talk about the challenges facing American Orthodoxy, life-long education, and value education.

Reflections Four Months After Launch

18Forty was designed as a forum where significant issues and struggles are engaged directly with depth in order to share a meaningful and relevant vision of Jewish belief and practice. This site was always meant to be constructive towards Jewish faith and commitment and never, God forbid, detrimental. And in that sense, we recently missed the mark.

Biblical Criticism Conclusion

As we confront the questions that Biblical criticism has presented, we must ask ourselves how we can keep that transcendent, atemporal view of the Torah. Perhaps considering the seemingly temporal idiosyncrasies of the Torah can actually strengthen our appreciation of its timelessness.

Gil Student: Where are the Lines?

In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we sit down with Gil Student, an infamous blogger who writes for Torah Musings, to talk about the credibility of modern Biblical scholarship.

Joshua Berman: What Should We Believe?

In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, David sits down with Professor Joshua Berman, a Professor of Bible at Bar-Ilan University, to talk about the relationship between Orthodox Judaism and Biblical criticism.

Biblical Criticism Intro

David explains how, despite his initial apprehensiveness towards the topic, he has come to appreciate the different approaches to Biblical criticism offered by this month’s three guests.

Comedy Conclusion

As we live through the ups and downs of life, laughter begins to play an invaluable role in our mental well-being. Perhaps comedy can provide a helpful lens through which to view the sometimes stressful responsibilities of our life.