What is Shabbos? In some ways, the bones of the day of rest are identical for many: rest, resisting the urge for work and technology, and an increased...
Where does change come from? All of us have a subtle suspicion, a humble hope, in the possibility of our own betterment, but what does it take for us to...
If a library is about the knowledge that you have, or purport to have, an anti-library is about the knowledge that you do not yet have, and do not even...
How can we cultivate a language of loss? On the 9th of Av, the Jewish people honors the profound losses of our national and personal lives. We are honoring...
Censorship, the word we used before the pundits and thought leaders of the West gave us ‘cancel culture,’ is the story of the parts of the story that didn’t...
Agunot have often had little recourse within the Jewish legal system, leaving them without the capability to remarry. While there has been social pressure...
Judaism is a religious culture that places an intense emphasis on continuing the chain of tradition through the context of the family. Yet in an ever-changing...
At the very heart of the complex dynamic that is Judaism dwells God. Complicated by millenia of discourse around the who and what, it is easy to lose sight...
Was the year 1840 the end of religion or the beginning? In this special podcast, David discusses the significance of the year and how it remains relevant...
There is a growing debate within Jewish circles about the term “Tikkun Olam” – meaning to fix or change the world. For some Jews, this is our nation’s...
Science and religion have long had a complicated relationship. Though they ask some of the same questions, one attributes things to God and the other to...
Our fast-paced, industrialized world seems to have little interest in mysticism, leaving reductionist thinking to lead the day. But this modernity can...
In a world where globalization is the new norm, the notion of peoplehood has lost its former clarity. While on the one hand, the lines demarcating the...
Though the Bible’s authorship was once largely uncontested, today it is the subject of raging debate. The stakes are high: billions of people follow religions...
Comedy may seem unimportant, or even counterproductive, in a society that values productivity. Religion in particular is often treated with a seriousness...
In order to understand why some people leave religion, we need to understand why people join and stay in the first place. Religion provides different things...
The Talmud is a chaotic text with a few frustrations. When you open to the first page, it assumes that you’ve already read the whole thing. Its logical...
What makes us human? As our technologies become ever more sophisticated, some of the lines drawn between human and other grow blurred as well, leading...
For longer than we could remember, the story of Judaism has been wrapped up with the story of Zion. Our national narrative(s) circle our journeys to and...
Judaism and education have long become synonymous. Jews have prioritized learning for millenia, and our love of words and ideas have kept Jews afloat throughout...
This month, we are thinking about books. And books. And more books. Books, books, books, and their life in the worlds of Jewish experience. This topic...
This month, we explore the question of abuse in our communities, as we learn about the pragmatic and particular changes that we can make in our lives to...
This month, we are exploring the topic of halacha. Halacha is many things to many people: a language, a process, a set of laws that are freeing and challenging...
What does wealth mean? We might understand the meaning of money on many levels, but we rarely consider the theological component, the religious. In recent...
Does religion make sense? Depending on your disposition, this might be the least, or most, important question to ask about religious life in the contemporary...
What is Shabbos? In some ways, the bones of the day of rest are identical for many: rest, resisting the urge for work and technology, and an increased...
Where does change come from? All of us have a subtle suspicion, a humble hope, in the possibility of our own betterment, but what does it take for us to...
If a library is about the knowledge that you have, or purport to have, an anti-library is about the knowledge that you do not yet have, and do not even...
How can we cultivate a language of loss? On the 9th of Av, the Jewish people honors the profound losses of our national and personal lives. We are honoring...
Censorship, the word we used before the pundits and thought leaders of the West gave us ‘cancel culture,’ is the story of the parts of the story that didn’t...
Agunot have often had little recourse within the Jewish legal system, leaving them without the capability to remarry. While there has been social pressure...
Judaism is a religious culture that places an intense emphasis on continuing the chain of tradition through the context of the family. Yet in an ever-changing...
At the very heart of the complex dynamic that is Judaism dwells God. Complicated by millenia of discourse around the who and what, it is easy to lose sight...
Was the year 1840 the end of religion or the beginning? In this special podcast, David discusses the significance of the year and how it remains relevant...
There is a growing debate within Jewish circles about the term “Tikkun Olam” – meaning to fix or change the world. For some Jews, this is our nation’s...
Science and religion have long had a complicated relationship. Though they ask some of the same questions, one attributes things to God and the other to...
Our fast-paced, industrialized world seems to have little interest in mysticism, leaving reductionist thinking to lead the day. But this modernity can...
In a world where globalization is the new norm, the notion of peoplehood has lost its former clarity. While on the one hand, the lines demarcating the...
Though the Bible’s authorship was once largely uncontested, today it is the subject of raging debate. The stakes are high: billions of people follow religions...
Comedy may seem unimportant, or even counterproductive, in a society that values productivity. Religion in particular is often treated with a seriousness...
In order to understand why some people leave religion, we need to understand why people join and stay in the first place. Religion provides different things...
The Talmud is a chaotic text with a few frustrations. When you open to the first page, it assumes that you’ve already read the whole thing. Its logical...
What makes us human? As our technologies become ever more sophisticated, some of the lines drawn between human and other grow blurred as well, leading...
For longer than we could remember, the story of Judaism has been wrapped up with the story of Zion. Our national narrative(s) circle our journeys to and...
Judaism and education have long become synonymous. Jews have prioritized learning for millenia, and our love of words and ideas have kept Jews afloat throughout...
This month, we are thinking about books. And books. And more books. Books, books, books, and their life in the worlds of Jewish experience. This topic...
This month, we explore the question of abuse in our communities, as we learn about the pragmatic and particular changes that we can make in our lives to...
This month, we are exploring the topic of halacha. Halacha is many things to many people: a language, a process, a set of laws that are freeing and challenging...
What does wealth mean? We might understand the meaning of money on many levels, but we rarely consider the theological component, the religious. In recent...
Does religion make sense? Depending on your disposition, this might be the least, or most, important question to ask about religious life in the contemporary...
What is Shabbos? In some ways, the bones of the day of rest are identical for many: rest, resisting the urge for work and technology, and an increased...