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Nitsana Darshan-Leitner: ‘Before Trump, I believed that Gaza had to be controlled by Israel’
Frieda Vizel: How the World Misunderstands Hasidic Jewry
Shani Taragin: ‘The ideal is for the Jewish People to live in the Land of Israel’
Eitan Hersh: Can the Jewish Left Talk With the Jewish Right?
Jonathan Dekel-Chen: My Son was a Hostage in Gaza for 43 Million Seconds. He Felt Every One.
David Bashevkin: 5 Things SNL Taught Me About Life (Purim Special)
Ken Brodkin: A Shul Becomes Orthodox
Lizzy Savetsky: Becoming a Jewish Influencer and Israel Advocate
Yishai Fleisher: ‘Israel is not meant to be equal for all — it’s a nation-state’
Ari Lamm: Teaching Non-Jews To Love the Bible
Nitsana Darshan-Leitner: ‘Before Trump, I believed that Gaza had to be controlled by Israel’
Frieda Vizel: How the World Misunderstands Hasidic Jewry
Shani Taragin: ‘The ideal is for the Jewish People to live in the Land of Israel’
Eitan Hersh: Can the Jewish Left Talk With the Jewish Right?
Jonathan Dekel-Chen: My Son was a Hostage in Gaza for 43 Million Seconds. He Felt Every One.
David Bashevkin: 5 Things SNL Taught Me About Life (Purim Special)
Ken Brodkin: A Shul Becomes Orthodox
Lizzy Savetsky: Becoming a Jewish Influencer and Israel Advocate
Yishai Fleisher: ‘Israel is not meant to be equal for all — it’s a nation-state’
Ari Lamm: Teaching Non-Jews To Love the Bible
Nitsana Darshan-Leitner: ‘Before Trump, I believed that Gaza had to be controlled by Israel’
Frieda Vizel: How the World Misunderstands Hasidic Jewry
Shani Taragin: ‘The ideal is for the Jewish People to live in the Land of Israel’
All Podcasts
Eitan Hersh: Can the Jewish Left Talk With the Jewish Right?
Jonathan Dekel-Chen: My Son was a Hostage in Gaza for 43 Million Seconds. He Felt Every One.
David Bashevkin: 5 Things SNL Taught Me About Life (Purim Special)
Ken Brodkin: A Shul Becomes Orthodox
Lizzy Savetsky: Becoming a Jewish Influencer and Israel Advocate
Yishai Fleisher: ‘Israel is not meant to be equal for all — it’s a nation-state’
Ari Lamm: Teaching Non-Jews To Love the Bible
Nitsana Darshan-Leitner: ‘Before Trump, I believed that Gaza had to be controlled by Israel’
Frieda Vizel: How the World Misunderstands Hasidic Jewry
Shani Taragin: ‘The ideal is for the Jewish People to live in the Land of Israel’
Yitzchok Adlerstein: Zionism, the American Yeshiva World, and Reaching Beyond Our Community
Chuck Freilich: ‘Netanyahu needs to step down or be voted out’
Rula Daood: ‘We are closest to peace at times of war’
Natan Sharansky: ‘If you don’t have faith or Zionism, your grandchildren will not be Jewish’
Listener Feedback with David Bashevkin
Haym Soloveitchik: How Modernity Changed Our Relationship to God
Michael Melchior: ‘We can make peace with the whole of the Arab and Muslim world’
Daniel Gordis: ‘The great failure of the hostages is enormous’
What’s the Goal of the Gap Year in Israel? Ari Waxman, Judah Mischel, and Gershon Turetsky
Khitam Abu Bader: ‘Violence is never the answer’
Mickey and Ortal Flaumenhaft: Diaspora Differences: Israelis Come to Teaneck
Moshe Koppel: ‘We won the war in Gaza’
Yehuda and Ilana Turetsky: Why Would an American Rabbinic Couple Move to Israel?
Einat Wilf: ‘Jews Are Never Allowed To Win, and Arabs Are Never Allowed to Lose’
Shayna Goldberg: Inside Israel’s Religious Zionist Community
Malka Simkovich: When Did The Jewish Diaspora Begin?
Yaakov Katz: ‘The Israeli military has fought in probably the most humane way possible’
Moshe Taragin: Does Israel Need American Jews?
Uri Zaki: “The War Has to End in Gaza’
Nechumi Yaffe: ‘I hate the idea that we are being killed and need to kill’
Lahav Harkov: ‘We are winning’
Netta Barak-Corren: ‘I hope that Gaza will see a day when it is no longer ruled by Hamas’
Matisyahu: Teshuva in the Spotlight
Despondent, Unmoored, Hopeful: How Israeli Thinkers Feel After October 7
The Memories We Hold: How October 7 Has Forever Changed Us
Emmi Polansky: Finding Agency as a Single Mother
Rivka Ravitz: ‘Being separated is at the core of being Haredi’
Tuvia Tenenbom: How a Secular Jew Came To Love the Haredi World
David Stav: ‘Israel as a state should not be a religious state’
Yussie Zakutinsky: Connecting to a Disconnected Jewish People
Haviv Rettig Gur: ‘Hamas is upset the death toll in Gaza isn’t higher’
Joshua Leifer and Shaindy Ort: How Progressive Activists Rediscovered Traditional Jewish Life
Pawel Maciejko: Sabbateanism and the Roots of Secular Judaism
Yossi Klein Halevi: ‘Anti-Zionism is an existential threat to the Jewish People’
Rachelle Fraenkel: ‘I had expectations from humanity’
Gadi Taub: ‘We should annex the north third of the Gaza Strip’
Efraim Inbar: ‘Israel doesn’t use enough force’
On Loss: Defending Israel on Oct. 7
Ronit Heyd: ‘If Israel becomes less democratic, it will become less Jewish’
Yehoshua Pfeffer: ‘The army is not ready for real Haredi participation’
Anita Shapira: ‘You cannot wipe out Hamas’
David Horovitz: ‘We need this state to survive’
Chava Green: What Is Chabad’s Feminist Vision?
Eli Rubin: Is the Rebbe the Messiah?
Yosef Bronstein: Only for Chabad? Modern Orthodoxy and the Rebbe
Rabbi YY Jacobson: How Did the Rebbe Revolutionize Judaism?
Sivan Rahav-Meir: ‘When it comes to terrorism, you can’t compromise
Ammiel Hirsch: How To Understand Reform Judaism’s Anti-Zionist Crisis
Yakov Nagen: ‘Jewish Messianism is a vision for all of humanity’
Benny Morris: ‘We should have taken Rafah at the start’
Adam and Mia Raskin: Can Families Live with Denominational Differences?
Marc B. Shapiro: Where Does Orthodox Judaism Come From?
Jack Wertheimer: A New American Judaism? The Sociology of Jewish Practice
Ammiel Hirsch: ‘What Did We Do Wrong?’ Peoplehood and the Reform Movement
Zev Eleff: Is This the End of American Judaism?
Rachel Goldberg-Polin: A Hostage’s Mother Fighting for His Freedom
Building Bridges in Israel: Nachal Haredi Units in the IDF
A Haredi Mother Sending Her Children To Serve
Finding a Home for Haredi IDF Soldiers
Haskel and Josh Lookstein: Finding Your Path in a Rabbinic Dynasty
Rachel Yehuda: Intergenerational Trauma and Healing
Yael Muskat and Martin Galla: Entering Adulthood: Inside a College Counseling Center
Regine Galanti: Childhood: Addressing Children’s Mental Health
Yoni Rosensweig: How Does Mental Health Affect Halacha?
Elie Schulman: Does Therapy Work? A Patient’s Journey
Yakov Danishefsky: Religion and Mental Health: God and Us
David Bashevkin: My Mental Health Journey
Listener Feedback: Israel at War
Lipa Schmeltzer: How to Heal: A Personal Journey of Mental Health
Reuven and Shani Taragin: What’s Next: The Future of Religious Zionism
What’s Next: Higher Education for Jews: David Wolpe, Talia Khan, and Steven Pinker
Jonathan Gribetz: What’s Next: Teaching the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
Yossi Klein Halevi: What’s Next: The Future of Liberal Zionism
Before We Say Goodbye to 2023
Eli Paley: What’s Next: The Future of Israel’s Haredi Community
Michael Eisenberg: What’s Next: The Civic Revolution in Israel
Noa Lewis: How Can We Help Israel? Finding Our Purpose
The Opportunity and Difficulty of Unity: On the Israel March
Doron Perez: Our Heart: One Child Married, One Child Missing
Yosef Zvi Rimon: What Happens To Jewish Law During War?
What Is Happening With Jewish Students and Antisemitism?
Daniel Statman: Can War Be Moral? On Moral Philosophy and War
The Trauma of War: Mental Health Professionals in Israel
Voices from Israel
Reading Jewish History in the Parsha
Pray for Israel
Estrangement and Reconciliation: Teshuva for Our Relationships
Rabbi Michael Rosensweig: The Majesty of Torah Study
Infidelity: Consequences and Aftermath
Martha Minow: When Law Should Forgive: On the Limitations of Teshuva
Martha Minow: When Law Should Forgive: On the Limitations of Teshuva
Rav Daniel Kalish: The Song of Teshuva
‘Everything About Her Was Worth It’: The Life of Yakira Leeba Schwartz A”H
Yisroel Besser: How to Share Jewish Stories
Dara Horn: On Jewish Fiction and Non-Jewish Fiction
Sarah Hurwitz and Alex Edelman: On Introducing Judaism
Josh Foer: How Can You Make a Digital Library for All?
Dov Singer: Living a Prayerful Life
Debbie Stone: Can Prayer Be Taught?
Moshe Koppel: Artificial Intelligence and Torah
Dovid’l Weinberg: The Song of Prayer
Samuel Lebens: The Hard Problem of Prayer
The How and Why of Moving to Israel
Elli Fischer: Can Israel Follow Jewish Law?
Bezalel Naor: Rav Kook’s Mystical Vision of Zionism
Lahav Harkov: How to Read Media about Israel
Noam Weissman: How to Unpack Israel’s Story
When A Child Intermarries
Liel Leibovitz and Lisa Ann Sandell: When A Spouse Finds Faith
Aliza and Ephraim Bulow: When A Spouse Loses Faith
Modi Rosenfeld: A Serious Conversation About Comedy
The Cost of Jewish Education
Leslie Ginsparg Klein: The Culture of Jewish Education
Michael A. Helfand: Church, State, and Jewish Education
Yisroel Kaminetsky: The Goal of Jewish Education
Listener Questions
Malka Simkovich: The Secrets of Second Temple Judaism
Yitzchak Breitowitz: Navigating Controversy
Channah Cohen: The Crisis of Experience
How Different Jewish Communities Date
2022: A Year Beyond Words (and Numbers)
Zahava Moskowitz: Singled Out
Red Flags: A Conversation with Shalom Task Force Featuring Esther Williams and Shana Frydman
David Bashevkin: My Dating Story – On Religious & Romantic Commitment
Yosef Bronstein: Rav Tzadok & Rav Kook on Jewish History
Yonatan Adler: What Archeologists Find
Tova Ganzel: The Judaism of the Prophets & the People
Lawrence Schiffman: The World of Early Judaism
Anonymous: Searching for the Beginning
Child & Parental Alienation: Keeping Families Together
Mark Moskowitz: Within: What Going to Jail Taught Me About Teshuva
Shais Taub: Teshuva of Innocence and Experience
Kayla Haber-Goldstein: Questioning the Answers: Rebuilding Your Faith
Antonio García Martínez: Optionality and Choosing Judaism
Rabbi Beryl Gershenfeld: What We Can Learn About Teshuva From Jewish Outreach
Listener Questions
Ari Koretzky: In Conversation with Dovid Bashevkin
On Loss: A Child
Emanuel Feldman: On Being a Jewish Writer
Michelle Margolis: What Do Librarians Do?
Three Editors: A Conversation with Heads of the Major Jewish Publishers
Rabbi Shalom Carmy: How I Ground My Faith
Malka Simkovich: The Mystery of the Jewish People
Steven Gotlib: Some Rabbi Grapples with His Faith
Jeff Bloom: Some Guy Wrote a Book about Jewish Theology
Listener Questions
Shira Berkovits: Creating Safe Spaces
Rahel Bayar: Developing Healthy Boundaries
Aharon Schrieber: What Happens When You Call the Police?
Adina and Eric Yoffie: A Different Path, Still Family
Moshe and Asher Weinberger: Heart of the Fire: Together Even with Small Differences
Larry and Tzipora Rothwachs: Here Without You — A Child’s Eating Disorder
Bruce Feiler: The Stories That Bind Us
Intergenerational Divergence: Recap, Reflections, and Response
Alex Edelman: Taking Comedy Seriously: Purim
Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz: A Healthy Relationship with Halacha
Dr. Tamara Morsel-Eisenberg: Discovering Your Halachic Story
Dr. Moshe Koppel: Halacha as a Language
Rabbi Dr. Haym Soloveitchik: The Rupture and Reconstruction of Halacha
Listener Questions and Behind the Scenes with the 18Forty Team
Marika Feuerstein: The Mentsch of Malden Mills: A Granddaughter Reflects on the Life and Legacy of Aaron Feuerstein
Ari Bergmann: Giving Wealth a Rest: The Economics of Shemittah
Eli Langer & Zevy Wolman: How We Keep Our Finances Kosher
Mark Trencher: Orthonomics: The Cost of Frum Life
Zohar Atkins: Between Philosophy and Torah
Simi Peters: Building New Faith Foundations
Samuel Lebens: The Line Between Rationality and Mysticism
Shmuel Phillips: Reclaiming Judaism
Anxiety and Rationality: A Personal Anonymous Account
The Legacy of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
The Books of Shabbos
Judith Shulevitz: The World of Shabbos
Senator Joe Lieberman: The Gift of Shabbos
Yabloner Rebbe: The Rebbe of Change
Miriam Gisser: Recovery as Change
Agnes Callard: A Philosophy of Change
Alex Clare: Changing in Public
Rav Judah Mischel: A Change in Progress
Rachel Grady: Documentary Film
David Hopen: Fiction
Avital Chizhik-Goldschmidt: Non-Fiction
Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel: How Can God be Found After Trauma?
On Loss: A Parent
On Loss: A Spouse
Jewish Peoplehood Roundup
Comedy Roundup
David Bashevkin: The Anniversary Episode
Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter: Should We Censor Jewish History?
Jonathan Rosenblum: Communal Boundaries and Cancel Culture
Altie Karper: When a Book Is Banned
Protecting Us From Ourselves: An Anonymous Perspective on Divorce
Bari Mitzmann: Social Media and Agunah Advocacy
Keshet Starr: How Should We Advocate for Agunot?
Rabbi Shlomo Weissmann: The Rabbinic Will and Agunot
Andrew Solomon: Far from the Tree
Menachem Penner & Gedalia Robinson: A Child’s Orientation
Daniel Grama & Aliza Grama: A Child in Recovery
Dr. Aaron Segal: Can God Be Proven?
Rabbi David Aaron: How Should We Talk About God?
OTD Highlights
Talmud Highlights
Why 1840?
Eli Rubin: How Do Mysticism and Social Action Intersect
Dr. Rivka Press Schwartz: How Should We Educate About Social Justice?
Rabbi Jeremy Wieder: Is There a Torah Approach to our Social Responsibility?
Rabbi Meir Triebitz: How Should We Approach the Science of the Torah?
Rabbi David Fohrman: Does the Torah Teach Science?
Professor Allison Coudert: How did Religion Influence Science?
Dr. Jeremy England: What Does a Scientist See in the Torah?
Rav Moshe Weinberger: Can Mysticism Become a Community?
Dr. Ora Wiskind: How do you Read a Mystical Text?
Joey Rosenfeld: Can Mysticism Heal Us?
Samuel G. Freedman: Can Jew vs. Jew Ever Become Jew with Jew?
Bethany S. Mandel: Jews without Community
Laura E. Adkins: Is There Room for All Opinions?
Rav Aaron Lopiansky: What Tribes do you Contain Inside?
Reflections Four Months After Launch
Biblical Criticism Conclusion
Gil Student: Where are the Lines?
Joshua Berman: What Should We Believe?
Biblical Criticism Intro
Comedy Conclusion
Daniel Feldman: Punchlines with Boundaries and Opportunities
Leah Forster: Of Comedy and Community
Gary Gulman: This Impossible Life
Comedy Intro
OTD: Leaving Religion Conclusion
Kelsey Osgood: A Conversion Narrative of Sorts
Philo Judaeus: Is There a Room for Dialogue
Shulem Deen: Faith, Without Faith
OTD: Leaving Religion Intro
Talmud Conclusion
Michelle Chesner: A Page is Worth a Thousand Worlds
Chaim Saiman: Is Talmud the Jewish Constitution?
Ari Bergmann: Talmud as an Agent of Chaos
Talmud Intro